5 Portuguese Movies on Netflix | Watch in November 2022

I’ve got news. There are 5 Portuguese Movies on Netflix available from November 2022 onwards.

It is true! There are five new Portuguese movies on Netflix, and they are even more special because they were made by women…

Uhuh, long live the women!

These films were selected by a jury about a year ago to appear on Netflix, because of a partnership that exists between this platform and the Academia Portuguesa de Cinema!

The films chosen for were as follows:

Portuguese Movies on Netflix available in November 2022

1. “A Metamorfose dos Pássaros”, by Catarina Vasconcelos and produced by Joana Gusmão.

This film tells the story of the director’s family and her lineage, starting with her grandmother Beatriz and her grandfather Henrique, who got married at 21, and going down to her.

2. “Soa”, by Raquel Castro, produced by Joana Ferreira and Sara Simões, with the script written by Isabel Machado.

This film focuses on the fact that we are surrounded by sounds, without even realizing it, and the impact they have on us. In my opinion, an interesting topic and still not much talked about.

3. “Mar”, by Margarida Gil, and script by Rita Benis.

Many women, once again!

It tells the story of a middle-aged woman who sets out to discover herself and her missing son aboard a sailboat called “A Flor do Mar”. It may seem simple, but this film seems to touch on important issues such as the reality of migrations and refugees, the reality of midlife crises, among other relevant topics.

4. “Simon Chama”, by Marta Sousa Ribeiro, and production by Joana Peralta.

This film tells us about a boy, Simon, and his “internal struggle” with the reality in which he lives. His parents are divorced and can’t seem to move forward with their lives, and it affects Simon. Thus, he questions himself about his life.

In addition to these four films by Portuguese directors, producers and screenwriters, another one by a Portuguese-Brazilian director was also chosen:

5. “Desterro”, by Maria Clara Escobar.

This film, in turn, tells of a young woman who disappears, leaving her husband and son behind, in despair, not knowing what happened to her.

Advantage of the initiative of the Academia Portuguesa de Cinema and Netflix

This initiative of the Academia Portuguesa de Cinema not only gives more visibility to the work of Portuguese women who have produced, directed, or written Portuguese films, but also to Portuguese cinema itself.

This partnership allows Netflix to promote these films for a year, which is very good for those who are learning Portuguese and enjoy films and learning through cinema!

Learn European Portuguese with Netflix

I believe that this is a very good method to learn a language, as it helps them to learn it naturally, and also to see a little of the culture, the way people talk, and the customs of the country. In addition, the films also show us a few different realities, which we might not see otherwise.

So, if you want to learn Portuguese more naturally, don’t forget to go see these films. If you want to have interactive subtitles, which help you with the task of understanding what is being said and give you the translation, do not hesitate to download the Chrome extension called “Language Reactor” or “Language Learning with Netflix (and YouTube)”. I talk more about these extensions in this video:

To be honest with you, I haven’t seen any of the five new Portuguese movies yet, but I’ll try to see them soon. They are available on Netflix Portugal and also worldwide (at least, that’s what I read). So go find them, check them out, and tell me what you think!

I’ll do it too and maybe write an article after this one, telling you what I thought of the films. We will see…

For now, I hope you have fun learning Portuguese with these films by Portuguese women!

10 Secrets to Learn Portuguese Fast and Effectively

Learning Portuguese in more natural ways is really good, so if you later want to know more tricks on how to learn Portuguese in an effective and simple way, I invite you to come and see my free one-hour Portuguese class.


Mia Esmeriz Academy - Portuguese Movies on Netflix

2 thoughts on “5 Portuguese Movies on Netflix | Watch in November 2022

  1. I’m Australian and plan to stay in the U.S.A. for 2 years. Is Portuguese spoken in California, since I plan to live there for 2 years. Folks say that I’m wasting my time learning it, that I should either learn Chinese or Spanish. But I like the way Portuguese sounds!!

    1. Olá! 🙂
      Thank you for your question.
      Portuguese is not one of the languages spoken in California, at least not officially. I do know that there are big communities of Spanish speakers (and, according to what I have been lately told, Chinese speakers too), and I do know that there are some Portuguese speakers in California as well, but I am not sure how big the community is. So, unfortunately, I am not the best person to answer that question, I am afraid.
      I am sorry I do not have a better answer. You could still continue to study Portuguese, though, even if it’s not one of the languages spoken over there in California if you like it so much 🙂 For me, studying a language I like is never a waste of time, but I understand if you have to dedicate more time to the language you’ll actually need and use.
      Anyway, I hope you find the best language journey for you!
      Beijinhos 🙂

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